

  • Position(s):
    Scrum Half
  • Appearances:
  • Allegiances:

Why West London?

One day I went to a farewell party for friends of my girlfriend, and there were also people from the rugby club there. After being introduced to them, I told them that I was looking for a team and after a few pints they invited me to come to training.

Why did you join?

I liked the environment, and from the beginning, I was made to feel very welcome.

Did you have any previous rugby experience?

Yes, I started playing at 15 years of age for a club in my home city of Seville called "Ciencias Rugby Sevilla". I too played in the university league in Seville. The latest was in 2012 at the University of Sao Paulo in Brazil.

Why did you stay?

Although I live in South-East London, more than an hour from the club, from the beginning, I loved the atmosphere, the generosity of all, the desire to help each other, and the team spirit. All the values that are intrinsic to rugby.

Why Should you join?

All of the above!